1. Respectful Conduct
All users, buyers, and vendors must treat one another with respect. Harassment, abusive language, or inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
2. Prohibited Content
Sellers may not list any content or products that are illegal, harmful, or violate community guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Illegal substances or paraphernalia
- Stolen goods
- Explicit content that violates site policies
3. Transactions and Payments
Buyers and sellers must complete all transactions through the platform. Off-platform payments are strictly prohibited and may result in account termination.
4. Consequences of Non-Compliance
Failure to comply with any of these terms will result in banishment from the platform without notice. This includes removal of all active listings and a permanent account suspension.
5. Final Decisions
All decisions regarding rule violations are final and at the sole discretion of platform administrators.